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How To Sage A Room

Updated: Aug 3, 2024

Shaman saging a home.
How to sage a home.

Why should you sage a room in your home? Often times, you have people who come to your house and they speak very negatively about certain things and what is going on in the world. These types of activities can put energies in the home. You will know this, because you keep dwelling on those negative statements. If you want to get rid of those energies and feel more at peace in your home, you can do sage it. I prefer to buy my sage in bulk. If you would like to know where I buy my sage in large bags, please contact me at: and I will share that information with you. 

Before you start, you don’t want to pray for the entire bag of sage. Each time you sage, it will be for a different room or purpose. It may be for a different house or a person who needs to be saged. Rather, take a portion of the sage and place it in a container for the particular ceremony.

When I use sage, I like to put it in double shells (one nested in the other). The reason I like to do this, is because if you are saging a large home and the top shell is full of sage, the bottom of it can become very hot. The bottom shell helps to insulate the high temperature, however, I recommend you never put the shells on someone’s carpet or on top of their bed comforter or blanket, because it can burn a hole in the fibers. 

I use a wand lighter to light the sage. I prefer this over matches, because your fingers can be burned when using a short matchstick. You don’t need a big bonfire when you light the sage. A small flame is all you need. A little bit goes a long way. Once the flame has started, you blow out the flame. The smoke will rise from the shell. 

Now it’s time to pray for the sage. I will make a circle above and around the sage, then bring my hand up in the air, to create a vortex. You can use any prayer you want. What matters most, is your belief in it and the universe will put into it, whatever else is needed. Because this is a healing ceremony, everywhere this smoke touches in this room, it purifies it and wraps itself around the energies to release them, with no limitations. So be it!

I start clockwise around the room, starting at the door. I use my feather fan to move the smoke around. I sage the outside of the door, the doorknob, the light switches, electrical outlets, paintings on the wall, crystals, objects, windows, closets and chairs etc. Chairs hold a lot of energy. Be sure to move quickly around the room, so you don’t set off the smoke alarms. I end the saging at the interior of the door where I started. 

I made a YouTube video demonstrating my sage technique. It can be found here:

Wishing you much success on your spiritual journey,

Lance Heard

To learn more about shamanic ceremonies, such as clearing negative energies with sage and much more, consider learning from Lance: Shamanic Services


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